Perspectives From Within: On My Path Forward in Yoga, Teaching, and Beyond

I wrote the following text as a homework assignment in my current Yoga Teacher Training. Thought it might be good enough to share. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

1. Who are you?

I‘m Suse. Or Susanne. I am a child of this earth. I am me and myself. I am my inner child and my higher self. I am here to play at my highest level. I am the sound of my laughter and the echo of my tears. I am a daughter and a mother, a lover and a friend, a teacher and a learner, a sister and an aunt, a code cracker and path finder. A writer and a reader. A seeker and a leader. A troublemaker and problem solver. An activist retiring from retirement. I‘m trying to figure it out. I keep doing the work. And I give myself grace.

2. What are you putting an end to?

I‘m putting an end to premature quitting. To procrasti-learning. To hiding behind fear and self-doubt. I‘m putting and end to the victim mindset. I‘m putting an end to playing small. I‘m putting an end to learned helplessness. I’m putting an end to emotional overwhelm. I’m putting an end to blaming others. I’m putting an end to waiting for others to take action. I’m putting an end to energy drains. I’m putting an end to “have to”s.

3. What do you refuse to accept?

I refuse to accept being/feeling powerless. I refuse to accept that I can’t have it all. I refuse to accept the limits of what is thought to be an ordinary life. I refuse to accept that it (life, world, universe and the rest) just has to be like that. I refuse to accept authority that is not backed by wisdom, experience, and knowledge. I refuse to accept that I don’t have a say. I refuse to accept that I have to decide between speaking up and being liked. I refuse to settle. I refuse to give up. I refuse to give in.

4. What do you take responsibility for?

I take responsibility for conquering my life. I take responsibility for how I show up. I take responsibility for my energy and emotions management. I take responsibility for planning and daring. I take responsibility for making time for myself. I take responsibility for finding my way. I take responsibility for supporting my partner and family. I take responsibility to keep learning and questioning. To keep searching and trying. I take responsibility to take care for myself. To take rest. And inspire others to do the same.

5. What do you want your life to be about?

I want my life to be about contribution. About more than myself. I want my life to be about love and happiness. About peace and justice. About human rights and human well-being. I want my life to be about growth (in the sustainable version). For myself, for my loved ones, for the people I meet. I want my life to be about collecting people and connecting the dots. About community and contribution. I want my life to be about truth, insights, and timeless values. I want my life to be about helping others grow and shine and make the world a better place. I want my life to be about evolving everybody around me, including myself.

6. What will you stand for?

I will stand for you and me and having a good time. I will stand for taking action. I will stand for taking responsibility. I will stand for moving forwards, even in the face of fear. I will stand for keeping principles and promises. I will stand for speaking up. I will stand for growing up. I will stand for caring and taking care.
I will stand for compassion. I will stand for the perfect dose of challenge. For reigning your inner couch potato. For truth, reliability, equality. For self empowerment. I will stand in my power.

7. What are you taking on next?

I will continue to develop my teaching voice. I will grow my yoga business. I will figure out my way of how to put myself out there. My way of marketing that feels authentic to me and my purpose. I will build my tribe and make an impact. I will put into practice what I have learned in my Yoga journey so far. And I will go back and see what I can re-learn in a second time through. I will figure out how to put my Yoga learnings into practice in my life off the mat. I will find my way to link my yoga and yoga teachings to my WordPress and education skills. My way to melt and blend into the best version of myself. I will team up with my mate and together we will change the world.

8. What are you promising?

I promise to take care for myself and for others. I promise to choose my tapas wisely. I promise to keep the consequences in case of not keeping my promises. I promise to continue my self work. I promise to strive and be a part of the solution. I promise to keep learning. I promise not only to keep learning but also to start implementing. I promise to grow my yoga business. I promise to start writing and publishing again. I promise to support my mate. I promise to become a better teacher. I promise to do at least one scary business task each day. I promise to keep high-fiving Elmo. I promise to not take myself too seriously. I promise to keep questioning. I promise to listen to my intuition. I promise to stop playing small. I promise to speak up. I promise to level up. I promise to go for real and uplifting connections. I promise to continue breathing. I promise to continue growing. I promise to continue stretching. I promise to wake up with a smile. I promise to go to bed feeling accomplished and fulfilled. I promise to keep moving forward despite fear and self doubt.

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